About Us

Faith United Methodist Church

Faith United Methodist Church in Dolton, Illinois is a Christian congregation serving the local community and seeking, engaging, and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.

Faith Church seeks to be a loving, friendly community that worships God and serves others. We place a high priority on teaching from the scriptures and following the example of Jesus. His example, we believe calls for naming and targeting structural racism and all other forms of discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, and oppression that have such a negative impact on the community where we serve.

Our vision is to impact and renew Dolton and beyond with the transforming message of Jesus Christ through words and actions. At Faith Church everyone is welcome. Come as you are - we'd love to get to know you!

Our Mission

The Faith United Methodist Church’s Mission is to be a witness for Jesus Christ in our daily corporate and private lives and to make disciples for him through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Our Beliefs

The people of the Faith United Methodist Church are a part of Christ’s church universal.

  • We believe that ALL people are persons of sacred worth, regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or economic condition; and we welcome everyone to attend our church, receive Holy Communion, be baptized and admitted into membership.

The heart of our Christian faith is Christ’s ministry of outreaching love. We are called to minister wherever Christ would have us work to heal and free others through the revelation of his work of salvation on the cross.

  • We believe in God’s grace, which means the unearned and loving action of God in our daily lives.

In spite of suffering violence and evil in the world, we assert that God’s grace exists everywhere. Despite any circumstances, we remain creatures brought to life by a just and loving God.

  • We believe the reign of God is both a present and a future reality.

Because of these beliefs we remain committed to the struggle for peace and justice for all people and work for a world where people are judged by the content of their character and not any other measure of the human condition.

Our Vision

We are to be lead by the Spirit of God to do ministry in our community by introducing Jesus into the lives of each member we reach. In order to effectively do the work of evangelism and disciplining we must have a vision.

  • Our vision is to create a Mission/Ministry orientation for Faith Church that will cause us to move out of our comfort zones and become radical witnesses for Jesus Christ, by: Spreading the good news that Jesus Christ died for our sins and was raised from the dead according to the Scriptures in our personal and corporate lives, and that as reigning Lord, He now offers the forgiveness of sins and the liberating gift of the Holy Spirit to all who repent and believe.

We vision a church where every Sunday the worshiping community can experience God in a way that is continuously transforming. Therefore, we must engage in a vibrant, relevant, and trans-formative weekly worship that is rooted in our culture as people of multicultural descent and our Methodist heritage. A worship that centered in true praise and worship of the one true and living God and His Son Jesus the Christ, so that it is appealing to everyone regardless of cultural background. We vision a church that will create a cultural paradigm shift in our local community where life experiences, worship, technology and ministry meet and support the concept that:

  • Faith Church is the center of community activity.
  • Faith Church is a primary social justice institution.
  • Faith Church is essential to our community for spiritual nurturing.